Create Schedules From Downloads Window
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Create Schedules From Downloads Window
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To create a schedule for an existing download you should do the following:

1.Right-click the desired download then choose Schedule download in the context menu. Please note that you can also go Downloads | Schedule download or click the butt_crsched button at the upper left corner of the program window. The Schedule download dialog box will open.

2.In the Start Time tab of the dialog box specify the task start time and choose the type of schedule you need:
· Once - the download will start on a certain date.  
· On certain days - Free Download Manager will start the download on every day of week you specify.  
· Every - choose how frequently the program should start downloading the file.  
· On event - The following options are available:  
- At FDM startup;
- When dialing succeeded;
- When dialing failed;
- When no active downloads;
- When downloading speed is too low;
- When all downloads are in error state;
- When done (When no active downloads + When all downloads are in error state).
Please note that you cannot specify the start time for the On event schedules.

3.In the Advanced tab of the dialog box choose if the confirmation is required to execute the task and how long the program should wait for it. If you want to disable or delete task after execution you can check the corresponding checkboxes.

4.Click OK to finish.

Please note that the functionality of the scheduler tool is much richer than only starting and stopping downloads. See Create Schedules From Schedules Window for more details.